What is New Zealand’s TRUE Excess Mortality Story?

What is New Zealand’s TRUE Excess Mortality Story?

*UPDATE* This data has now been extended to October 2023, with the Vaccine rollout applied against it. There have been many claims that NZ had “zero excess mortality across the Covid pandemic”, most recently apparently from David Seymour, ACT MP/Leader and Epsom’s guy. tl;dr: for every 1,000 doses of vaccine, there have been 0.74 Excess…

How Does Spider Cat Calculate the Data for the Covid Graphs?

How Does Spider Cat Calculate the Data for the Covid Graphs?

General Theory/Outline Every Monday (excepting holidays, when it’s pushed out), the Ministry of Health provides the latest stats for Covid-related things. I used to focus solely on Deaths by Vaccination Status but now look at Cases, Hospitalisations and Deaths in NZ by Covid Vaccination Status. As the MoH data is generally presented as raw numbers,…

NZ Covid Stats Weekly Update of Vaccination Status Groups – 18/04/2023

NZ Covid Stats Weekly Update of Vaccination Status Groups – 18/04/2023

Vaccination Status NZ Vaccination Groups – By highest number of doses given All data for these graphs comes from https://www.health.govt.nz/covid-19-novel-coronavirus/covid-19-data-and-statistics/covid-19-vaccine-data and the StatsNZ Population Estimate of 5,151,600. NZ Vaccination Groups – By “Vaccinated Status”

How many people have been Vaccinated in the past 3 months in NZ?

A question from Macca That should (barring any data fudging by MoH in the last quarter) be easy enough to calculate. Using WayBack Machine to look at the 3 January 2023 Vaccination table, we get: Then, comparing to the latest (4 April) data: We get the following numbers of doses given in the last 3…

NZ Covid Stats Weekly Update Graphs by Vaccination Status – 27/03 – 03/04/2023

As usual, all stats are from https://www.health.govt.nz/covid-19-novel-coronavirus/covid-19-data-and-statistics/covid-19-case-demographics. Vaccination Status NZ Vaccination Groups – By highest number of doses given As per https://www.health.govt.nz/covid-19-novel-coronavirus/covid-19-data-and-statistics/covid-19-vaccine-data. Cases Overall Cases New Cases This Week Hospitalisations Overall Hospitalisations New Hospitalisations This Week Deaths Overall Deaths With Covid within 28 days of death New Deaths With Covid this week: Not Fully Vaccinated:…

NZ Covid Vaccination Status Groups – 4 April 2023

All data for these graphs comes from https://www.health.govt.nz/covid-19-novel-coronavirus/covid-19-data-and-statistics/covid-19-vaccine-data and the StatsNZ Population Estimate of 5,127,400. The calculation is as follows: Boosted is just the raw number of people who have had Booster 1. 2 dose is the number of people who have had the second dose, minus the number of people who have had the…