Where the wokeness comes to cry.

Stats & More Stats.

From NZ current events opinion to various kinds of NZ-related stats, and the occasional image from MidJourney.

Things are a wee bit broken at present – many missing images and suchlike.  Bear with me while I replace the ones that the backup did not want to provide.

All-time Covid Cases

All-time Covid Hospital Cases

All-time Deaths With Covid

Boosted Cases
0 M
Boosted in Hospital​
Boosted Deaths​
Vaccinated Cases
0 K
Vaccinated in Hospital​
Vaccinated Deaths​
Unvaccinated Cases​
0 K
Unvaccinated in Hospital
Unvaccinated Deaths​

Merchandise - SCA Store

(Returning Soon) A number of exclusive Tees and Hoodies and other such items (some dresses and caps and mugs etc) available for purchase.

NZ Crime Stats

Victim and Offender data by Ethnicity, raw totals and per-100k in each group.

MidJourney Images

Some pretty, some hilarious, some disturbing - but all AI Generated Images from MidJourney and Spidey.

NZ Covid Stats

Weekly updates on NZ's Covid-19 situation by Vaccination Status: Cases/Hospital/ICU/Deaths, in raw and per-capita form.


Commentary on things happening in New Zealand Politics. Usually just collections of Leftards screaming on X.

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Spider Cat helped me to find the tiny spark of rebellion inside myself that I needed to see through the debacle.

Without him, I would be wearing masks, and getting vaccinated, and getting Covid.

Thank you, Spidey!

Phillip Fakeman

CEO – Made Up Enterprises