Family Violence in NZ – by Ethnic Group – July 2023 – June 2024

The following graphs show the reported crimes from the “family violence” categories in the Police Database by Family Members of the Victim for the 12 months to June 2024. The categories used are: Acts Intended to Cause Injury, and Sexual Assault and Related Offences.

Part of my ongoing series of dives into stats, looking for evidence to support Marama Davidson’s statement “cis white males are responsible for the violence in the world”, explores the relationship between Offender and Victim, where the victim is a Family Member of the Offender, for reported/investigated Offences in the year to June 2024. These are Offences reported to Police, not Proceedings.

The Police Victimisations Report is the source of the Victimisations data, and StatsNZ/Census 2023 is the source of the Population size data.

The “per-100k” graphs show us how many offences are committed for every 100,000 people in each ethnic group, it essentially corrects for population size.

While we cannot always make the assumption that the ethnicity of a victim is going to be the same as the Offender, in the case of Family Members, we can let the assumption stretch.

NZ Population by Ethnic Group – Census 2023

Overall Family Violence by Family/Whanau Member

Acts Intended to Cause Injury by Family/Whanau Member

Acts Intended to Cause Injury by Boy/Girlfriend

Acts Intended to Cause Injury by Child to Parent

Acts Intended to Cause Injury by “Family Member Not Fully Described”

Acts Intended to Cause Injury by Other Relative

Acts Intended to Cause Injury by Parent to Child

Acts Intended to Cause Injury by Partner

Acts Intended to Cause Injury by Sibling

Sexual Assault and Related Offences by Family/Whanau Member

Sexual Assault and Related Offences by Boyfriend

Sexual Assault and Related Offences by Child to Parent

Sexual Assault and Related Offences by “Family Member Not Fully Described”

Sexual Assault and Related Offences by Other Relative

Sexual Assault and Related Offences by Parent to Child

Sexual Assault and Related Offences by Male Partner

Sexual Assault and Related Offences by Sibling

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